Politics and Society

Can We Nudge the Diabetes Crisis Away? A UK Perspective

April 16, 2019 Politics and Society

Tackling the growing diabetes crisis with short-term behavioral-inspired lifestyle interventions is a positive step forward, but not enough to ensure long-term behavioral change. The UK government must also address the structural issues contributing to diabetes using traditional economic policies such as extending the sugar tax and enacting stricter advertising regulations and zoning laws.

Martha Selwyn

Diaspora Politics and the Growing Influence of Sharp Powers

July 9, 2018 Politics and Society

In recent years, authoritarian and semi-authoritarian states have used technological advancements to extend influence or control over “their” diaspora for political purposes. Recent examples of this are troubling: as the long arms of authoritarian states increasingly undermine social cohesion and democratic values, the need for adequate policy responses in democratic states has become urgent.

Laura Meijer

Back to the Future? Populism and Spatial Inequality

January 28, 2018 Politics and Society

The rise of populism and the growing political polarization in advanced economies has exposed the phenomenon of spatial inequality. Globalization and digitalization amplify spatial inequalities by further concentrating “gains” and “losses.” For policymakers, confronting this complex problem without promising a “return to the past” is the challenge of our time.

George Kibala Bauer

The Threat of Illiberal Populism

June 19, 2017 Politics and Society

Populism has taken an illiberal turn. Protecting liberal, pluralist societies from the threat of illiberal populism will require deep reforms to our education, communications, and political systems.

Dylan Chambers

Tu Felix Austria

May 17, 2017 Politics and Society

The small country of Austria where 2016 did not entail a win for the far-right might have some lessons for liberals who fear a dire 2017.

Stefan Zweiker