
The Policy Corner is an inclusive, independent platform for students and young professionals to publish research-based articles on global issues. Our mission is to empower young scholars to engage in public debate and learn the skills needed to transfer specialized knowledge into the policy world. For readers, we aim to provide innovative commentaries on current policy challenges. All articles are subject to double-blind peer review, providing contributors constructive feedback on their argument and writing.

The Policy Corner was founded in 2016 by a group of eleven master’s students studying international affairs at the Free University of Berlin and Sciences Po Paris. The majority of our core team is currently based in Berlin. Since October 2016 our team has been supported by six master’s students at Sciences Po, who are contributing as members of a Projet Collectif. Currently, we are in the process of setting up multiple local chapters of The Policy Corner around the world, for example in Maputo, Paris and Wellington. This effort is generously supported by the German Academic Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung).

Our Team

Contact Alina

Alina Bill-Weilandt

Alina is co-founder of The Policy Corner e.V.. She contributes to the strategic direction of the association, is copy-editor for climate policy, and coordinates the creation of local policy writing networks. Alina is a PhD researcher at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, specialized in nature-based solutions for resilient urban development. Previously, she worked on disaster risk management at the World Bank.

Hannah Brandt

Hannah is a peer-reviewer for security and defense, and a focal point for local policy writing networks. She studied International Relations at the College of Europe, Sciences Po Paris, and Tufts University. Currently, she is also a research assistant at the Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute, focusing on Eurasia, International Security, and Human Rights.

Chloe Bray

Chloe manages The Policy Corner's copy-editing process with Nadine. She studied international relations at the University of Toronto and Sciences Po. She currently works as a freelance copy-editor and proofreader with a focus on academic journals and non-fiction manuscripts.

Contact Sarah

Sarah Bressan

Sarah is a founding member of The Policy Corner e.V. and a member of the board. She has mentored The Policy Corner's team project at Sciences Po Paris. Sarah studied political science and international security in Mannheim, Seoul, Paris and Berlin and is a research fellow at the Global Public Policy Institute, a Berlin-based think tank.

Dylan Chambers

Dylan is the co-founder of The Policy Corner, a former president, and was responsible for strategic direction and the editorial process. Dylan studied International Public Management and Political Science. His research interests include economic governance, trade agreements, and development policy.

Felicitas Fritzsche

Felicitas is a member of the editorial management team and co-responsible for the peer-review process. She finished her Bachelor degree at University College Maastricht and is currently pursuing her Master in Public Policy at the University of Potsdam. Her interests include International and European law, international organisations, and development policy.

Nadine Grimm-Pampe

Nadine is one of our founding members and manages the peer-review process together with Felicitas. She also organizes team trainings and workshops on writing and peer-reviewing. Nadine completed a double master’s degree in International Development at Freie University Berlin and Sciences Po Paris. She currently works in the World Food Program's Ecuador office. Her research interests include land use and food security, spatial inequalities and the nexus of conflict and development.

Contact Felix

Felix Hoffmann

Felix is producing and moderating the Policy Corner Podcast and coordinates the work of The Policy Corner. He currently pursues his Masters degree in International Relations and Journalism at SciencesPo Paris. Felix’ research interests include International Relations, Human Rights and Peace and Conflict Studies.

Tobias Jerzewski

Tobias deals with our partnerships & developments and co-manages the policy writing circle project. He studied European Affairs in Paris and Berlin and has a particular passion for Hannah Arendt’s political philosophy. Besides his addiction to French “savoir vivre”, he is a true sports lover.

Contact Yasser

Yasser Lahbibi

Yasser is responsible for our website design. He is currently completing his double master’s degree in International Public Management and his main area of interest is the political dynamics and diplomatic relations with Arab countries in the Middle East. He has a strong interest in IT with a focus on web technologies & development.

Moritz Matzner

Moritz manages our partnerships and the policy writing network project together with Tobias and Alina. Before pursuing a MA in International Security at Sciences Po Paris and FU Berlin he studied political science at FU Berlin and the University of Chicago and worked as a journalist. He likes to unveil political and economic interests when investigating a security environment and to connect financial flows, development assistance, and foreign policy.

Isabel Redies

With a background in Social and Political Geography, Isabel currently studies the MSc in Development Studies at London School of Economics and Political Science. Her interests include land and water policy and conflict, environmental peace-building, postcolonialism, feminism and how these topics relate to development.

Delia Roling

As part of the Communications Team, Delia manages the social media channels. She is also the internal coordinator for the Web & Design team. She studies European Affairs and is particularly interested in diplomatic relations as well as environmental policies.

Ila Schoop Rutten

Ila is a member of the editorial management team. She has a Master's in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action from Sciences Po Paris and is certified in policy analysis from the London School of Economics. Her interests include human rights advocacy, social networks and institutional change, and mobilizing civil society.

Contact Fabio

Fabio Thoma

Fabio is responsible for the strategic direction of our project and organizes events and trainings. Fabio has a particular interest in questions of sustainable development and inclusive growth. Besides his studies he works as a consultant for the IFC MENA Development Impact Unit.

Paris Team

Reviewers and Editors

Sallie Bestul

Isaac Newton Bortey

Alexandra Bumcke

Katharina Bäumler

Sara Chatterjee

Camila Chaudron

Elliott Chow

Deepali Dewan

Hamish Dick

Serafine Dinkel

Shivani Ekkanath

Ritika V Kapoor

Bix Komita Moussa

Sang-Oun Lee

Richard Mclaughlan

Fernando Monte Abraho

Dana Muresan

Giusy Musarò

Bala Panchanathan

Lauren Roy

Ila Schoop Rutten

Kira Schrödel

Varshini Sridhar

Bouchra Tafrata

Ediz Topcuoglo

Samuel Toppo

Jiyoung Yun

Friends of The Policy Corner

Bianca Becca

Gaëlle Collin

Ramona Hotz