Is the Estonian e-residency program a digital fairytale?

5 novembre 2022

Estonia is considered a role model for digital public administration. The Estonian e-residency program is the most recent e-government initiative, which promises entrepreneurs worldwide access to its public administration 24/7. In its current state, the program cannot achieve its ambitious goal due to structural misconceptions that have caused issues around its efficiency and inclusiveness.

Anna Mayer

School Choice in the United States

16 août 2022

School choice encompasses a variety of programs run by the U.S. government that allows parents to choose a school other than their local publicly funded school. Wealthy parents have been able to afford choices in education for a very long time. Now it is time that we allow poorer citizens to choose an education that best fits the needs of their children. School choice will allow this to happen.

Jaireet Chahal

Inflation During the Pandemic: Is ‘Transitory’ a Myth?

19 juillet 2022

Caused by pent-up demand and intense supply disruptions, inflation has risen to its highest level in decades. As the specter of “entrenched inflation” looms, central banks must use monetary policy sensibly without overreacting. Central banks should allow time for overheated demand and supply disruptions to ease, lest the world’s advanced economies face their hardest landing yet.

Joshua Rajendran

U.S. vs. China? Cooperation in Telecommunications in East Africa

3 mai 2022

Some Western political strategists suggest a “Tech Cold War” is playing out in Africa between China and the U.S. Based on case studies from Ethiopia and Kenya, this perspective neglects the actual state of affairs. Instead of searching for “China-free” actors, the West should take the rationale of each project as a yardstick to stay engaged and relevant in the emerging African information and communications technology sector.

Jonas Pauly

2019: We seed, we know, we rised, we wake

27 avril 2020 Politique et société

Uprisings spread worldwide in 2019, using similar triggers and tactics. Some changes have been accomplished, from politicians’ resignations to derogation of laws and reforms. Social awakening can be considered the biggest revolutionary shift, leading to an unprecedented collective consciousness across countries. Governments should address this emergence by institutionalising civil society initiatives.

Maria Chiara Zeri and Ricardo Henao Galvis

A Smarter Approach to Europe’s Border Policy During the Pandemic

22 avril 2020 Affaires européennes

Europe’s disorganized approach to border closures in response to the novel coronavirus pandemic undermines human rights, economic recovery, and European solidarity. There exists a smarter, safer approach to maintain open borders and prevent further spread of the virus.

Arthur Kaufman

Reforms Aren’t Zip Ties: Understanding Ukraine’s Current Struggle

14 mars 2020 Paix et sécurité

A desire for quick and easy fixes has emerged among the Ukrainian population. This desire is in part the result of a discrepancy between slow but steady political change and the public perception of stagnation. If this gap is not closed by increased communication measures, popular support for reforms will break off and jeopardize future progress.

Charlotte Felbinger, Klara Lindahl and Elena Leuschner

Three Policy Shifts to Harness the Potential of Technological Progress

8 mars 2020 Politique et société

Technological progress as it stands today focuses on irrelevant questions and ignores possible dangers, instead of leveraging democratization and social mobility. Three policy shifts are necessary to stop wasting the potential of technological progress.

Nicolas Zahn

Combatting Corruption: An Institutional Economics Approach for More Integration in the Eurozone

10 février 2020 Affaires européennes

This article defends an enforceable EU anti-corruption mechanism to restore trust between creditor and debtor countries of the Eurozone. Through an institutional economics approach, it argues that strengthening national institutions is key for further economic integration because accumulating debt is possible so long as institutions are competent, such as Belgium and France.

Johann Diaz Manzano

Désir d’indépendance et interdépendance Européenne : un paradoxe à résoudre

6 février 2020 Affaires européennes

L’interdépendance croissante des pays et des peuples européens d’une part, et la montée du sentiment ainsi que des mouvements politiques anti-européens d’autre part, constituent un paradoxe, qu’il convient de résoudre en promouvant l’européanité via un renforcement des coopérations transfrontalières.

Théodore Tallent & Meryl Merran